Thursday, March 25, 2010

Golfshot iPhone Application

I found this great application for my iPhone, it's called Golfshot. It's a great little thing. The free version allows you to download pretty much every course in New Zealand and all their information. You then use it to keep score and statistics. It even works out your handicap with 5 different methods.

The full version is about $40 Kiwi and has GPS functionality that can plot your way around the course.

If you have an iPhone or iPod touch and play golf then you should download this and give it a go!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Course Number 1: Waikanae Golf Club

The first course detailed in my quest for 400 is the Waikane Golf Club. This is the course that I learnt to play golf on nearly 30 years ago and is located about 50 kilometres north of Wellington on the Kapiti Coast.

It was a very good day's golf for me shooting my best score for a long time, a very tidy 83. This included 2 birdies (on the 12th and the 15th) and 5 pars. I spent the day playing with Solstice Golf organiser Grant and a couple of his mates (Mark and Jim). I think I managed to have the best score of the day, which was surprising given the ability of the opposition.

The 12th hole - par 3.

Waikanae is a good little country course that I always enjoy playing at. It does have one downside though, it is a little expensive on the green fees in comparison to other courses in the area! Anyway, you can find Waikanae Golf Course on Te Moana Road and it is worth a go.

My scorecard

How to get there:

View Larger Map

Round 2 - 2 January 2011

I had another round at Waikanae with 3 old school mates. It wasn't my best at Waikanae and I really struggled to hit the ball properly. The only thing that saved me was my putting - only 26 putts in the whole round. That is a record for me.

A great birdie on the 18th hole was my highlight, I put my third shot on a long (486m) par 5 within 5 feet and made the putt. That will get me back for another round!

My mates had a tough day and asking James to play off a 33 was a bit hard for him. However, he an Tucky managed to tie the match with me and Gus. We took an early, commanding lead but found ourselves 2 holes down with 2 to play. Gus and I had to play our best for the final 2 holes to square it up.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My New Life Goal

Golf is great and something I love to do in order to relax. I get out and play with my father, my friends and my children and I would always like to play more.

This year I turn 40 and I need and excuse to play more golf so I have set a new life goal - to play every golf course in New Zealand by the time I'm 60. Sounds easy but there are just under 400 courses in New Zealand so that's 20 new courses each year, quite a few for a bloke who only plays once per month. I do have a head start, I have played about 50 already.

This blog is to record my journey. Watch for more...